Kahurangi Lighthouse Mission

In July 2017, Jeff, James, Nigel, Mark and I shipped our bikes over to Australia for a one-month ride. From start to finish it was an absolutely brilliant trip. The well-structured route made each day of riding new and exciting, the camping locations were outstanding, the sights and scenery were brilliant and all of this was topped off with great riding company :)

Mark and I live in Christchurch so we regularly catch up, however the entire group had not been reunited for over a year. Mark and I decided it was time to change that, so we put our thinking caps on and came up with a group ride to the Kahurangi Lighthouse.

Anyone familiar with this route will know that it is fairly challenging, however this group proved in Australia that we work well as a team so we were pretty confident we’d all get to the end without issue.

The route sparked the interest of riding buddies Ian and Mark who joined the ride that we officially named, The Grandest Lighthouse Mission…

This route is now available as an Adventure. If you are looking for an EPIC route that provides a challenge as well as mind blowing scenery then this might be exactly what you are looking for. After this trip, our riding group all agreed this ranks in the top 10 most rewarding and enjoyable New Zealand riding experiences we’ve all had. The Adventure provides comprehensive route and planning information, accommodation options and downloadable GPX files. This is all prepared in a 15 page printable booklet to take with you. Click here to view more information: Kahurangi Lighthouse Adventure


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